Ethnicity, Race and Indigenous Peoples
About ERIP

ERIP Conference 2015

About ERIP

ERIP is committed to scholarly collaboration and exchange of ideas with respect to the study of ethnicity, race, Indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and related issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. The group seeks to promote greater participation of Indigenous and Afro-descendant scholars and intellectuals in the activities of the Latin American Studies Association and, more generally, in scholarly and academic communities.

ERIP has more than 300 members representing diverse academic disciplines, including anthropology, history, sociology, political science, linguistics, Spanish and Portuguese, geography, literature, and the law. Membership is open to all members of LASA.

The ERIP conference is hosted every other year. The 2011 conference was hosted by the University of California, San Diego and the 2013 conference was held in in Oaxaca, Mexico. 

More about ERIP